



Importance of Evolution

Life on earth began around 3.7 billion years ago. And with this, began a life sustaining process called Evolution. Every form o...

Life on earth began around 3.7 billion years ago. And with this, began a life sustaining process called Evolution.

Every form of life on earth evolves continously. "Evolution can't be stopped".It's well explained in Charles Darwin's book "On the origin of species".

But why evolution is so important?........

The answer to this question is that evolution provides us the power to adapt to surroundings. This power is alone responsible for the sustainment of some species till now and also the end of some. Humans are also one of them who sustained through evolution. And the evolution of humans are also well known to everyone. And we are still evolving as evolution is a continous process and it will continue until humanity exists. Everyday we become immune to some viruses. Now-a-days pests are becoming immune to certain types of pesticides due to their continous use over the fields.

So, we can conclude that we evolve everyday.

Self evolution:

If we talk about evolution in some broader sense then we come to know that evolution is not just necessary to survive through ages, but also necessary to survive everyday in this competitive world. This is the need of today's world. Everyone is evolving and adapting to become best, the one left behind is crushed by responsibilities so much that they can't even fulfill their dreams.

Big companies  hunt for these talent particularly. They check whether their employees are ready adapt to all situation or fast they can adapt...are they ready to think above conventional way or not.

so in today's world self evolution and continous adaptation to surroundings are of great importance both for us and for our society.