




 Indian Space Reasearch Organisation commonly known as ISRO is the proud of India, not only because its India's national space agency bu...

 Indian Space Reasearch Organisation commonly known as ISRO is the proud of India, not only because its India's national space agency but also of its remarkable achievements.

After independence, the need for India's own space agency was realized by some visionary scientists and was proposed by Dr. Vikram sarabhai in early 60's, who is also known as father of ISRO.

As a result, a committee known as Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) was founded under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) by Jawaharlal nehru in 1962. Which later became ISRO in 1969 and came under Department Of Space(DOS) in 1972. DOS is directly under the Prime minister of india.

Its first ever rocket was carried in parts on bicycle and was launched which led to the foundation of ISRO.

ISRO launched its first satellite Aryabhata in 1975 which was done by soviet union. After that India targeted to make its own launch vehicle which was headed by Dr.APJ Abdul kalam.

In 1980, ISRO launched Rohini which was the first satellite to be launched and placed in orbit by India's own launch vehicle SLV-3 which was a great success.

After that 2more launch vehicles were introduced. Polar satellite launch vehicle(PSLV) for sending satellites in polar orbits and Geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) for sending satellites in geostationary orbit.

ISRO launched its first ever lunar probe under chandrayaan program named Chandrayaan-I on 28 Oct. 2008 and reached lunar orbit on 8 Nov. 2008. It operated for 312 days and within this time it was successful in tracing water molecules in lunar soil....which was for the first time in the world.

Although it was planned to operate for 2yrs but it achieved most of its target within 312 days after which it lost the connection.

India's first interplanetary mission includes mangalyaan which was an epic example for the world not only because of its success but also of its low budget which made everyone redefine their ideas about space travelling.

It was launched on 5 Nov.2013 and entered mars orbit on 24 Sept. 2014. And with this India became the first nation in the world to succeed in its first attempt to mars. And first in Asia to successfully conduct an interplanetary mission. Whole budget of this feat was about $73million which was even less than budgets of some movies like gravity and was almost 200 times less than the cost of NASA's all Mars missions attempts combined....which is extraordinary.

Although Chandrayaan-II failed to land the probe on the lunar surface due to last minute software glich, but will definitely succeed in its second launch.Its future projects include.. Chandrayaan-III, Gaganyaan, Aditya L-1 and many more.

So ISRO is not only a space agency, it's the proud of India and it will soon lead the space missions of Earth with it's effective and innovative ideas.