



Area 51.....why it's considered mysterious?

Area 51 which is present in Nevada, USA is not it's real name as we know it. It's real name is Nevada test and training range . ...

Area 51 which is present in Nevada, USA is not it's real name as we know it. It's real name is Nevada test and training range.It was basically one of the areas which where used in world war II as a weapon and nuclear testing place.
But the thing that makes it so special is the level of security present here and the mysterious UFO sightings confirmed by the locals near this area.It was even not an official area of USA until 2013, when CIA declared it as an official area.
The security level here is so tight that even military planes are not allowed to fly over this zone. The entry for common people is banned 16km before this place.Even the BBC team which once tried to make a documentary on this place where arrested and were heavily fined.
Then the question arises why? The US government seems fail to explain the reason for this extreme restrictions.
They always suppress this topic by declaring it as a military practice place.They also say that the claims of people having UFO sightings are nothing but their new military aircrafts.
There are a lot of evidences in support of these conspiracy theories.
A person named Bob Langer claims to be former employee of area 51 S4 department where they studied how do aliens fly aircrafts without fuel. According to him he discovered in 1989 that their(aliens) spacecraft used a special element with atomic no 115. Surprisingly atomic no 115 is ununpentium (Moscovium) which is discovered in 2003 much later then his time. According to him the spacecraft he studied was from 40 light years away and aliens have been visiting the earth for thousands of years.
Another person known as Dan bursch in 2004 also claimed to be a scientist at area 51 and he used to isolate viruses from alien bodies. According to him he also talked to a alien named J-Rod using computer language.
Stories are there that two employees named Wally kasza and bob frost working at area 51 died due to an unknown virus and when doctor checked them they found something in their bodies which didn't belonged to earth.
All these evidences lead us to always doubt about this place.Whatever it is we can only speculate.
And this is one of the mysterious places on Earth where mysteries still continue...