



Does meditation really work?

Meditation is an ancient and beautiful practice to dive in. It is considered a good practice if you meditate atleast once throughout the day...

Meditation is an ancient and beautiful practice to dive in. It is considered a good practice if you meditate atleast once throughout the day. But, does it really work? Or it's just for the sake of our faith?
Well there are many kinds of meditation. Everyone practice mediation for different reasons. Like for mental stability , increasing concentration , treatment for sleeping disorder , fighting anxiety , controlling emotions ...and many more.
But if you observe closely, meditation is not a physical exercise , rather no physical moment is recommended while meditation. It's just like configuring you brain so that it may work efficiently.
Human body is very complex and it's a precious work of nature and evolution. And brain is the most complex part of human body so it's obvious that we will not be able to control it completely. We use few percentage of brain throughout our life. Capacity of our brain is beyond our imagination, it's because we are using our brain to understand the brain that makes no sense.
Our brain is limitless, but our ability to channelize the brain is limited and meditation helps to increase that ability. So the main reason of meditation is to increase your ability to control the brain and the rest is done by the mind. Like if you are emotionally weak , that's because your brain is not under your control and is easily influenced by emotions. But if you are able to control your brain , then there is no emotion that can hamper your decisions. So whether it is anxiety, lack of concentration , sleeping disorder or any other psychological problem , it's all about your brain. 
Changes due to meditation:
Mediation just helps you to calm your mind and focus on the reason for which you are doing meditation , which helps to save the energy your brain consumes in useless things and channelize it for specific purpose. And doing this on a daily basis , can bring about a significant change in yourself.
Studies have found that the brain of a person doing meditation daily can produce much more gamma brain waves then a normal person which is generally produced by the brain when we are intensely concentrated or engaged in solving any problem. So it's a fact that meditation does a significant improvement in yourself.
So I recommend you to take out just 10 min from your daily routine and have that time for yourself. By yourself I didn't mean your relaxing time or your workout time , spending time with ourself means just closing the eyes and focusing on the breath and just have the feeling of self awareness. You will be definitely surprised by the results.