



Importance of education

 The importance of education is not hidden from anyone of us. Education has always been important. Not only nowadays but since the ancient t...

 The importance of education is not hidden from anyone of us. Education has always been important. Not only nowadays but since the ancient times.

education has helped us evolve through the ages. And our further evolution is also based on our current education. Education is the only reason we were able to land on moon , to invent radio and even the device in which you are reading this blog is the result of our continuous evolution in the field of education.

Meaning of education is not only limited to gaining knowledge , it is much more than that. First of all we need to understand what is meant by education. There is a difference between being literate and being educated. Literacy is just the ability to recognize , read and write information. But education has huge dimensions. Education is definitely more than just reading and writing. It also includes interpreting data, understanding its context and content and building our own morals. Moral can be used to judge how much a person is educated? even educated or just literate?

Education helps us to breakthrough our narrow-minded ideology and helps us to explore and observe the world in a whole new perspective. And observation is the most important thing for the invention or discovery of new things. Scientist need high ordered thinking skills which can be achieved only through pure observation. And to purely observe something , we need a brain free from all kind of restrictions , and that's what our education helps us to achieve.

An educated person can be identified easily , they hold similar traits. They are not bound by any kind of religion or caste. They think above all this. Dr.A P J abdul kalam is the best example for this. His thinking skills helped India to build its first ever rocket and proceed further.

So we just need the world to be educated , and to think with a brain free from any sort of bond so that we may sustain and evolve further in the best way possible.


Unknown said...

But education also bring destruction

Tilak raj Choubey said...

That depends on your education and your ability to manipulate that education.

Anish said...

True bro

Tilak raj Choubey said...
