



What is Consciousness?

What is consciousness? Are you aware of your consciousness? You must have heard of these kind of questions many a time. But why these questi...

What is consciousness? Are you aware of your consciousness? You must have heard of these kind of questions many a time. But why these questions are frequently repeated now-a-days? 

These questions are not just rhetoric but they hold real meanings. Many of you would have never ever tried of finding the answers to these questions....this indicates the reality of how much unexplored these areas of our mind are.

These are among those certain topics where even our modern science is not comfortable with. According to scientists, they have understood the structure and functioning of human brain. But they are still unable to define consciousness. They are unable to define why there is consciousness? and how a small organ made up of neurons (brain) is able to make one feel alive?

Consciousness is just knowing the presence of ourselves and our existence .

But the real question is, do we really exist ? is this world real? or just our imagination? Is red really red? or is it our perspective of defining red? It may sound crazy but is worth thinking. May be what you know as red is blue for me but you call it red.

Scientists have always tried to connect the feeling of brain with certain physical change in it. For example brain releases dopamine when we are happy but the real concern should be why there is a need to be happy? What will happen after we die? will this consciousness be lost? or will remain forever even after our body is destroyed? who knows..

Normally people don't even want to think about these questions, may be because these questions are too difficult to wonder or maybe too scary. But the thing they simply can't understand is that ultimately our fate is same.


Anish said...

You had created lots of good blogs bro, kee it up..!

Tilak raj Choubey said...

And you have always supported me.... thanks

Tushar said...

Your blog always give me some interesting knowledge

Tilak raj Choubey said...

Glad you found it interesting

Anonymous said...

Good keep it up

Tilak raj Choubey said...


Unknown said...

Why don't you write your next blog on omega type civilization✌
I am a big fan of science and mystery

Tilak raj Choubey said...

surely I will do